Sunday, February 10, 2019


 (Original date written: 6/6/2018)

You have no idea what I've been through these past few days.
I've been miserable.
I keep gaining weight.
I can't sleep.
I cry.
I eat my feelings.
But you weren't there.
I can't even begin to explain to you what's been happening
Because it's all been too much to fathom.

*So stress sucks. Here are ways that I like to relax :)
  1. Coloring. Something about finding a cute picture of a dog or a Disney character online, printing it out, finding my 96 pack of crayons, and just waste an hour filling in my new picture is relaxing. It clears my head.
  2. Writing. Obviously.
  3. Sleeping. Just go take a quick nap or go to bed early.
  4. Crying. Seriously! One good, long cry releases a little pressure. And it makes you tired. See #3.
  5. A hot bubble bath. Fill that tub up with suds and turn on some calming music. I recommend Florence and the Machine or violin covers of slow songs.
  6. Music. Dance around, cry, or even play it on an instrument! I personally prefer learning new songs on my ukulele. 
 One of my favorite people gave me some great advice today. I'm a little stressed out myself right now. He told me to not stress over the things that I can't control. Let it be. (@The Beatles.) And he's absolutely right. You can't control the weather or what your boss says to you or if a customer is unreasonably cranky. Just stay positive and focus on showing love and kindness to everyone, regardless of how they treat you. 

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